Friday, February 8, 2013

Baby item shopping

I have never been in a baby store other than to pick up a gift from a friend's registry. So I was more than a little overwhelmed to check out the things one needs. I also worried about going too early.
Thank goodness for the calm, experienced hand of Libby who took me under her wing. She helped cut through the noise of all the baby stuff.
I highly recommend if its your first time, you go with an open mind and let your friend be your guide. There is so much out there and it is very overwhelming. So to cut through the noise, a mom who has done in before will help greatly!
However be prepared for people to think you are lesbians.


They say being pregnant is a time to glow, but every square inch of me is itchy. I have been plying myself with loads of ointments and oils, but nothing is helping. In general I have felt off this whole time. Either I am too exhausted to move or I feel like I am walking through water. Now the itch keeps me in a constant state of irritation.
I am sure eventually the itch will be left to just my stomach as it stretches.

Pregnant Posts

I have been trying to figure out how to blog/podcast about this experience. Finding the right voice and making sure I don't say something that will cause my child to go through therapy is a concern. I think I need to approach it as I was writing a diary.
Maybe I should call the fetus Diary, so I can write "Dear Diary".

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Do I need that?

 There is a lot of stuff you can buy for a baby and there are a lot of people to give advice. I want to know what the dorm drying wracks are. It was on the college packing list and I never used it. I want that advice that keeps me from buying nonsense.

Lots to report

Trying to keep this all quiet has meant that I cannot blog about it. But now I can!
I have been exhausted for months. The tip off that I was with child, should have been the 6 hour car ride I slept through in mid November.
I muscled through till Thanksgiving when it was all confirmed. Since then I have been spending any time after 6 in my bed. It is so irritating to not have the energy to accomplish anything other than drinking large amounts of water.
I always though being pregnant would be a whole lot of eating at buffets. But alas, I have only been craving salad and tomatoes. It is so disappointing. I did eat a lot the first month. That tired feeling mostly disappears when I eat. So I kept eating. When I finally realized that it wasn't helping I think I had already gained about 10 lbs. That means I haven't gained anything in the last 2 because I am eating like a normal person. YET I seem to be suddenly huge.
Thankfully a Miss DC comes in many sizes, so I called the one who is 6 feet tall and asked to borrow some dresses... when you put an amazon's dress on a short, pregnant woman it actually works!
Now after confirming that nothing fell out of me while I flew to too many places, I now feel like I have an alien in me.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Quinoa and Avacado Salad

Just when you think you live in an educated urban area you are forced with the reality.
I saw a recipe for Quinoa and Avacado Salad in a foodie magazine and was inspired. SALAD! I CAN DO SALAD!
An hour later I was still doing salad. Part of the problem was sending my husband to the store for ingredients. He got raw shelled Lima beans instead of frozen edemame. The other was that no one knew what Quinoa was.
I knew I could get it at Whole Foods, but didn't want to take the easy route. I called Giant, who repeatedly asked if I was calling about kiwis. Finally I called the Latin market down the street and got the instant "Of course we do!" response to my Quinoa query.

How to make Quinoa
one cup to one cup ratio of grain to water. Let soak for 15+ min. Drain in cheesecloth and refill with new water. Bring to boil then reduce to simmer in covered pot for 15 min.

Meanwhile in a bowl mix one cup lemon juice
one tablespoon cumin
one tablespoon red pepper flakes
Handful of radishes finely sliced
1/3 cup olive oil
toss in handful of edemame per person

When grain is done let cool and add to mixture
Add in one sliced avocado per person

Farmer's Soup

I have always been impressed with those who can make soup from scratch. Little did I know that if you aren't making the stock yourself, its really not that hard!
Here is my new fast and favorite way to stay warm this winter and clean out my fridge.

1 box of chicken stock
1 package of Italian sausage
1/2 bag of frozen corn (out aside)
6 large carrots
2 green peppers
3 garlic cloves
(hell feel free to add any other stuff you have sitting around your vegetable crisper)

Cut and brown sausage
Cut up carrots and peppers
Bring stock, carrots, peppers, garlic and meat to a boil
Set to simmer in covered pot for 90 min.
10 min before serving add frozen corn and warm

Presto! You look like a hero with this colorful yummy soup.
Good frozen for a week